
AUTHOR: Owen Wang

Owen is the director here at WoodEvo and has a passion for providing high quality composite decking products that can be used to transform any Australian home into an ideal oasis. With more than 15 years in the decking industry and a tradie background, Owen is your go-to guy when it comes to composite decking and creating innovative outdoor spaces. Got a question about this article or WoodEvo’s range of composite decking products?

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Amazing Benefits of Timber Fencing! Where to get Timber Fencing Melbourne?
Created On: August 18, 2022
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Safety and protection are the two things we as homeowners want to have in and around our homes.

How does fencing sound?

Fencing is the right way to make sure your loved ones feel safe and secure. At the same time, timber fencing Melbourne is a great way of adding an aesthetic appeal to the home.

Timber fences can add a whole new dimension to our homes. Both in look and feel, you will notice a remarkable difference in the outdoor area.

Here in this blog, we shall explore the different ways timber fencing can change your home. Read till the end as we explore vital points with regards to this topic:

Aesthetically Appealing & Flexible

Timbers are a great addition to the home. Whether it is hardwood decking in Melbourne or timber fencing, timbers go a long way in beautifying and fortifying our homes.

So many people are going for timber fencing Melbourne, not just for this reason alone. They are also going for it because it is a super flexible option. Usually, the sturdier home installations are rigid and immobile. But fencing is not! It is strong and can be worked around with much ease.

Timber Fences and Country Homes

If you are living in the countryside, timber fences will elevate the beauty of your beautiful home. Also, it will keep you protected against intrusion, break-ins, and theft. Not to mention, you can have a relaxing pool party with your family and friends without caring about peepers and passersby.

To have Residential Fencing Melbourne or the neighboring areas, get in touch with the right professionals.

Easy to Repair Timber Fencing Melbourne

Fencings are installed piece by piece. If one of the stakes is damaged due to some reason, all you have got to do is remove the damaged one. There is no need to uproot the entire installation. Hence repairing is so easy in timber fences. Also, installing these is pretty easy too.

Since repair is simple, the cost involved also is quite low. In some cases like a heavy storm, the whole fence may get damaged and need a full replacement.

Timber fencing Melbourne is gaining popularity and we have got more reasons coming up to elaborate on that fact!

Cost Effective and Safe for Environment

Depending on the type of timber you choose, the fences will vary in cost. The range is quite varied and you can pick very expensive slates. You can also go for composite options if pure wood is out of budget. Also, composite wood has a lot of advantages over pure wood. You can find more about this from WoodEvo.

Let us get back to Timber fencing Melbourne:

Timber fences are sourced from natural wood. There is no harmful chemical involved in the process. Hence, it is a sustainable option to go for.

What do you think? Are timbers sustainable? Or, do you believe the loss of trees is not cool? If you want to prevent deforestation, you can go for the next best alternative-composite wood.

Timber Fencing vs. Steel Fencing

A good competitor to timber fencing is steel fencing. Let us find out which of the two is well suited for you.

It would be good to analyze these points under different heads. The very first head is durability. Without any doubt, steel has more durability than timber.

The next thing is maintenance. Timber looks beautiful and adds a hint of architectural beauty to homes. It is however a higher maintenance installation than steel. Steel is a very tough material, almost unbreakable. Hence, it does not require much care to last longer.

Even so, there are so many homeowners who prefer Timber fencing Melbourne rather than steel.

Why? What could be the reason? Personally, what would you like to go for?

Most homeowners like to add beauty and elegance to homes. What better way to do it than adding something from nature?

Adding timbers is like adding a slice of nature to homes. It may be expensive but the way it transforms the outdoors is worth paying for.

As far as steel is concerned, it may not look bad but isn’t uplifting either. Often it doesn’t match with the outside area like the pool area or the garden. The timber on the other hand goes perfectly well with all surroundings. If you are looking for a solution that for sure will perfectly fit the background then timber it is!

You may go for steel if you like outdoor installations low maintenance, durable, and cost-effective. If you have spent a good deal of effort in making your home pretty then it is suggested you save up, plan and go for good quality Timber fencing Melbourne.

Timber is widely used in decking work also. Hardwood Decking in Melbourne is quite a popular choice. People are extensively going for composite decking as well.

This was all from our end. We hope you have enjoyed reading the blog and that you have derived some value from it. Please feel free to contact WoodEvo in case you have a question- [email protected]

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